Thursday, March 13, 2008

Internal alarm

I am in the middle of working a long week - a $5.5 million proposal is due on Friday.

I was at the office or writing from home for a total of 16 hours yesterday. I went to bed at around 1:00 AM after having taken 2 hours to decompress after finishing work, fully intended to get up at my usual 6:00 AM to get the day started.

I woke up out of a sound sleep at 5:45 AM. "Only 15 more minutes until the alarm," I thought. "Good, I can nap some more." I intuitively checked the alarm button to make sure it was on. It wasn't.

It was as if my body knew I didn't turn the alarm on, and she woke up so I could start my day, and eliminate the potential stress of having overslept during an intense week.



On a sort of related note, I've found myself questioning the idea of heroes this week, in the wake of the news that (former) NY Governor, Eliot Spitzer, was alleged to have used the services of prostitutes as recently as last month. I'm really disappointed. He was supposed to be Mr. Squeaky Clean. It is almost like finding out Mitt Romney drinks alcohol. Whatever happened to integrity? Who are our heroes for good and honest behavior, and why aren't they the leaders of our states and our nations?

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